Life in Limbo with the shadows of the 90s

For many in the region, lives are still in limbo, because the shadows of the 90s are above us all, and this should be openly discussed, with facts, and difficult topics communicated through film and media to contribute to dealing with the past, as concluded at the online book promotion and virtual photo exhibition “Life in Limbo – A Book of Scars” and a panel discussion “Shadow of the 90s over the Balkans” during the last day of the Montenegrin Human Rights Film Festival FAST FORWARD 2020, organized by the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) and the ZfD Forum.

Life in Limbo with the shadows of the 90s

Human rights under the mask – society’s attitude towards Pride

The film cannot change the world, but the engaged film can significantly contribute to pointing out inconsistencies in society and raising awareness about the problems of the LGBT community, it was stated today at the online panel discussion “Human rights under the mask – society’s attitude towards Pride”, which the Centre for Civic Education (CCE), with the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, has organized as part of the FAST FORWARD Human Rights Film Festival Montenegro, upon the screening of the film “Let there be colour”.

Human rights under the mask – society’s attitude towards Pride

What You Gonna Do When the World’s on Fire?

‘What You Gonna Do When the World’s on Fire?’ follows the life of black men and women aiming to enlighten the toxic effects of the centuries-long racism which is still vivid through their personal stories in horrendous forms. The film brings us into a community of African Americans on the south of America, into summer 2017, when a string of brutal killing of men sent shockwaves throughout the country.

What You Gonna Do When the World’s on Fire?